Monday, January 6, 2020

Sample Letter For A Leadership Challenge Team - 2457 Words

Step 1: As a team, decide who will read each one of the articles in the readings below. Do NOT assign the second article in the list, Leadership That Gets Results. Make these assignments early in the week so your teammates have ample time. Please note - you may need to log into your IU authentication system before you are able to follow the link^Bbookid=76826 (Links to an external site.) Step 2: Read and post a summary of your assigned article by Thursday. In your post, also address how this information is relevant to your Leadership Challenge Team and its efforts to be a high performance team with excellent, shared leadership. (How might you actually USE this†¦show more content†¦We were on a panel together at the Davos World Economic Forum, and Paul, CEO of Unilever, was describing his company’s sustainability strategy. It wasn’t the company’s target to shrink the organization’s carbon footprint that hooked me – as laudable as those goals are, these are common ingredients of corporate sustainability strategies. But Paul went on to announce that his company would strive to source raw materials in a new network of 500,000 smallholder farmers throughout the Third World. That was what got me. Around 85 percent of farms worldwide are classed as smallholders. The World Bank names supporting smallholder farming as the single m ost effective way to stimulate economic development in rural areas. In emerging markets, agriculture supports – directly or indirectly – three out of four of those in the lowest income brackets. Redrawing Unilever’s supply chain in this way would leave more money in local farming communities, while boosting their children’s health and education. In his thinking, the company’s CEO had gone way beyond the normal boundaries of creating value for his own organization. Paul Polman’s strategic vision exemplifies what I call an Outer focus, one of three kinds of focus every leader needs today: Outer, Other, and Inner. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMPETENCIES Inner and Other focus can be seen in terms of emotional intelligence

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