Sunday, December 29, 2019

William Henry ( Bill ) Gates - 833 Words

William Henry (Bill) Gates the one of the founders of Microsoft is a business leader, a technologist, above all a philanthropist. Bill Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington, his mother was a school teacher, regent at the University of Washington, chairwoman of the United Way International. Bill Gates father is an Attorney in Seattle and a co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Melinda Gates is Bill’s wife and mother of their three children. (Gates, B. (2015). At an early age his parents encouraged him to pursue his passion for computers. As a young boy, Bill first used a computer in 1967. Attending Harvard University he began programming with Paul Allen who together founded Microsoft in 1975. Their vision was to have a computer on a desk in every home in the country, then in the world. The issue was how would they accomplish such a project? Today with the assistance of many companies their vision is an integral part of society. (Gates, B. (2015). Ten ye ars later, in 1985, Microsoft’s first software, Windows 1.0 launched, significant was the launch of Windows 95 in 1995, changing how the world communicates and businesses operate. Since those first two software launches Windows launched additional products. Taking their technology further is the new Windows 10 promoted to be a new generation of Windows. (Gates, B. (2015). Microsoft was Bill Gates primary passion until 2000 when Steve Ballmer assumed the role of CEO and Bill Gates assumedShow MoreRelated Bill Gates: One of America’s Greatest Essay1362 Words   |  6 Pagesthat make difference. Bill Gates has made a huge difference in today’s world; he is an extremely successful entrepreneur, an active philanthropist, and a very motivated person in general. With this motivation he has and will accomplish anything he puts his mind to. He was CEO of Microsoft and became the richest man in the world. He also created one of the most credible and generous charitabl e organization in the world. As a positive influence on today’s world, Bill Gates has proven himself asRead MoreBill Gates Path to Wealthiest Man in the World678 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Henry Bill Gates ( more commonly known as Bill Gates) is an American philanthropist, investor , programmer and role model. William Henry Gates used to be the chief executive and chairman one of the worlds most successful personal computer software company, Microsoft which he co-founded with Paul Allen. William Henry Gates was also consistently ranked by Forbes magazine as the number one world wealthiest from 1995 to 2009 with the exception of 2008 when he was ranked third. AccordingRead MoreBill Gates: A Very Inflenential and Famous Man Essay905 Words   |  4 Pages Bill Gates Bill Gates is one of the most influential, famous men in the world. He was one of the youngest and wealthiest man in the world. We’re not talking about the kind of influential that doesn’t influence your everyday life directly. Bill Gates has changed technology in so many way it’s almost impossible to list them all, and one of the most respected businessman to date. During the last decades of the twentieth century, software entrepreneur Bill Gates and his company Microsoft haveRead MoreBill Gates Love of Computers749 Words   |  3 PagesBorn on October 28, 1955 in Seattle to an upper middle class family, William Henry Gates III began to show an earnest curiosity in computer programming at the age of 13. Gates pursued his interest in the programming field and then cofounded the worlds leading company in computer software. This did not happen overnight, yet Bills dedication and genius helped him create Microsoft. Now, while being at the top, Bill Gates keep s inspiring us by sticking with his company, bringing us the latest softwareRead MoreBill Gates998 Words   |  4 PagesBill Gates When one thinks of computer software, one must think of Microsoft. In fact if you use a computer, chances are that you will have some type of program on there that is developed by Microsoft. The CEO, chairman, cofounder, and owner of 147 billion shares of Microsoft is Bill Gates. William Henry Gates III was born in the midst of a scenic Seattle on Thursday, October 28, 1995 to his parents Mary and William Henry Gates Jr. His childhood was uneventful and was well raised. He wentRead MoreThere are famous thinkers that have little in common with what makes them strive to achievement1100 Words   |  5 Pagesupcoming issues. There are two particular famous thinkers: Sam Walton and Bill Gates., both of these men were able to use the creative process to alter the way people observed the issues of the day. They each made precise contributions to society during difficult times. Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) William Henry Gates III was birthed in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955. His parents were William Henry Gates, Jr. and Mary Maxwell. Bill’s father was a prominent lawyer in Seattle, WashingtonRead MoreHow Bill Gates Siezed his Dreams1399 Words   |  6 Pagesis the one and only, Bill Gates. William Henry Gates III, more commonly known as Bill Gates, was born into a Seattle family on October 28, 1955. He was born to parents William Gates II and Mary Gates, with one older sister and one younger, Kristianne and Libby. As a child, Gates was referred to as â€Å"Trey†, being that his name was ‘the third’ of the same; this was not accurate however, because he was actually the fourth member of his family to bear the name William Henry. Gates and his sisters wereRead MoreBill Gates: A Global Leader917 Words   |  4 Pageseffect in the way we live and see life. His name is William Henry Gate III or as we all know him as Bill Gates. William Henry Gate III was born in Seattle on 1955 and was raised in a wealthy family. His father was a successful attorney and his mother was a top executive at a national bank. This upbringing gave him the opportunity to study in the most prestige school on his state where he discovered his love for computers. The beginning While Bill Gates was at junior high a group of parents raise moneyRead MoreThe Legacy Of Bill Gates1304 Words   |  6 PagesHistory of Bill Gates Bill Gates made a lot of changes to the way the world operates through technology and made life at lot easier for other people around the world. Bill Gates (also known as William Henry III or Trey) is an American entrepreneur, business mogul, investor, philanthropist, and one of the most richest and influential people in the world. He was also known as the best businessman in the 20th century. In his years as a child, he had the attitude for math and science as well as showingRead MoreBill Gates Has a Positive Impact on Society945 Words   |  4 Pagesscale. Bill Gates, an American entrepreneur, found success from being the co-founder of Microsoft and designing and developing software for the Personal Computer (How to be a Billionaire). William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. He was the second child and only son of William Henry Gates Jr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. His father, being a Seattle attorney and his mother being a schoolteacher helped hi m achieve his brilliant state. In middle school, Gates developed

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Emergent Literacy Encouraging Early Reading Skills in...

Literacy consists of a range of ways to understand and decode symbols for communication in a community (Barratt-Pugh Rohl, 2000, p. 25). Emergent literacy is a term used to describe how young children interact with books, reading and writing (What is Emergent Literacy, 2006, p.1). Emerging literacy is an ongoing process and to ensure this process is successful children need to be stimulated through active engagement with books and writing opportunities. Children start to learn about and experience reading and writing in infancy, particularly when they start familiarising themselves with print media. From an early age children are able to read and recognise signs such as fast food logos, ect. (Alleyne, n.d. p.2) In addition, when young†¦show more content†¦There are many benefits in reading aloud to children not only an enhancement of literary skills but also increase in the ability to communicate with teachers and parents. Children also develop memory skills, imagination and creativity (Family Literacy, 2002). There is such an emphasis on the importance of reading aloud to children that a Brisbane based non-profit organisation called The Pyjama Foundation sends out volunteers to go and read to children in foster care on a weekly basis (The Pyjama Foundation, 2008). The Pyjama Foundation enforces that reading to children everyday develops their knowledge of the world around them, stimulates their interest in learning, improves observation skills and encourages positive social interaction (The Pyjama Foundation, 2008). Research has consistently shown that that reading books to children has a positive effect on literacy outcomes in the following ways: - Children develop a positive attitude towards books and reading. - Provides children with a model of reading - Guides children in the early stages of reading by widening their vocabulary. - Encourages children to read familiar stories independently by relating illustrations to the text. (Vukelich Christie, 2004, p.8) Independent Reading Independent reading involves a child reading on their own and applying skills observed from a parent reading aloud or from guided and shared reading with a teacher.Show MoreRelatedEmergent Literacy1979 Words   |  8 PagesEmergent Literacy During the last 3 decades, increased attention has been focused upon the effects of emergent literacy in an early childhood education environment and children s later knowledge (Roberts, Jurgens, Burchinal, 2005). It was once believed that children learned to read and write only when they entered elementary school and received specific instruction. However, most research now indicates that a preschool environment is critical in the development of a variety of cognitiveRead MoreEmergent Literacy658 Words   |  3 PagesEMERGENT LITERACY Emergent literacy is used to describe how a young child interacts with books and when reading and writing, even though they could not read or write in the usual sense of way. Emergent literacy is a process that takes place over the timeframe from birth until a child can read and write in what we think to be a standard sense. The key to term literacy is the consistency of all parts of language: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and viewing. Some people believe that, up untilRead MoreParent Involvement in Emergent Literacy Activities2377 Words   |  10 PagesParent Involvement in Emergent Literacy Activities: The Relationship to Reading Achievement By Tracy J. Miranowski B.A. Minnesota State Mankato, 2004 A Starred Paper Submitted to the Graduate Facility of St. Cloud State University Table of Contents Chapter 1 Page IntroductionÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…3 Historical PerspectivesÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...............4-6 Current Emergent Literacy ApproachesÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….6-8 Focus of the PaperÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…. Â…Â…Â…8 Importance of ReviewÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Read MoreReading Is A Process Of Translating Visual Codes Into Meaningful Language1018 Words   |  5 PagesReading is one of the basic components of literacy. â€Å"Reading is a process of translating visual codes into meaningful language† (Whitehurst Lonigan, 1998, p. 849). Children with emerging literacy are at the early stages of reading which mostly involves decoding letters into their corresponding sounds and then linking those sounds to single words. A study was conducted that found that 5% of a child’s daily speech was entirely produced during joint book reading (as cited in Whitehurst LoniganRead MoreUnderstanding a Literacy-Rich Environment1769 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿What is a literacy-rich environment? A literacy rich environment is essential for any emerging reader. Emerging literacy reflects childrens natural growth and awareness of print in the environment (Genisio Drecktrah, 1999, p. 227) and therefore the environment has to contain suffient enough manifestations of this print and other literacy material presented in an attractive way without overwhelming the child. Clearly, literacy-rich environments are of value. They allow children to practiceRead MoreUsing The Four Resource Model Developed By Luke And Freebody1302 Words   |  6 Pagesthe modern class room there is often a hum of students, talking about books they are reading and working together in small groups using digital as well as print text. The students are more culturally and linguistically diverse, many have English as a second language (ESL). This Critical- reflective essay will explore using the four resource model developed by Luke and Freebody, focusing on; how young children learn to read, the four roles within the resources model are Code breaker, text user,Read MoreThe Process Of Learning For Read Can Be Difficult For Young Children1096 Words   |  5 PagesThe process of learning to read can be difficult for young children. Teachers require knowledge and understanding of the reading process as well as skills to teach children skills and strategies to become a successful reader. Using a balanced approach to teaching children reading skills and strategies, teachers start with explicit instruction before gradually giving students responsibility and independence in using these strategies for reading. Teachers must understand the importance of oral languageRead MoreHow Learning Areas Such As The Arts And Literacies Are Woven Into An Integrated Curriculum Essay1550 Words   |  7 Pageslearning areas such as the arts and literacies are woven into an integrated curriculum, with reference to the Aotearoa New Zealand context and Te Whariki (Ministry of education, 1996). Arts and literacies are woven into an integrated curriculum giving children the ability to problem solve, communicate without language and express themselves in a verbal and non-verbal way. A child’s learning development is influenced by their communication with other children and adults, the environment, philosophyRead MoreStrenthening Early Literacy Skills in Studnets Language Word Recognitio1634 Words   |  7 Pageshead: STRENGTHENING EARLY LITERACY SKILLS IN STUDNETS: LANGUAGE AND WORD RECOGNITION Strengthening Early Literacy Skills in Students: Language and Word Recognition 510: Grand Canyon University Joanna Martinez September 9, 2012 Strengthening Early Literacy Skills in Students: Language and Word Recognition Introduction When discussing early literacy, its development begins at birth and continues its development throughout yearly childhood years. Literacy is having the skill to read and writeRead MoreChildren At An Early Age1692 Words   |  7 PagesExpose children at an early age to reading environments in order to help them understand that books are symbols that can have meaning and can be read. At first, a young child could probably see a book as one more of his toys but as he or her are continually exposed to reading they will learn to turn pages by themselves and later they will pretend to read a book and make vocal sounds when â€Å"reading† a book. When parents read to their children, children have the opportunity to see a variety of things

Friday, December 13, 2019

Literature analysis and assessment in information technology Free Essays

INTRODUCTION It is the Information technologies that allow corporations toward get hold of, development accumulate as well as switch over in sequence. Additionally, inside an acquaintance organization circumstance, information knowledge is able to sustain alteration surrounded by furthermore flanked by implicit plus explicit information. On the other hand, the companies of neither information knowledge neither guarantee acquaintance formation, facts sharing nor information make use of. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature analysis and assessment in information technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Crossan, Nicolini, 2000). The mainly imperative article be not to company be capable of build up acquaintance (standing hub), other than to they be talented toward study incessantly through generating novel information which they transport as well as be relevant (self-motivated center). Information expertise reimbursement is apparent within cogent trade environment. But the course of job, as well as populace, farm duties as well as utensils, be capable of predefined, mechanization through information expertise possibly will be the finest selection. Fielder, Grover, and Teng dispute so as to conventionally, the conventional advance on behalf of be appropriate information equipment be from beginning to end the mechanization of accessible process inside the limitations of conventional practical structure, base on the supposition with the aim of the novel process design be acceptable. Literature Review The technical rebellions so as to have been determining market have brought additional change within organization practice than inside a few other preceding eras. Manager has seen to facilitate information is the foundation of authority as well as to this information be generally dispersed approximately the corporation. Within of this significance, refusal hypothesis or else replica of managerial knowledge is extensively established .The assortment have contribute in the direction of the swift shift taking place of the ground in humanizing the synchronized development of dedicated area of query with the intention of examine diverse aspect of managerial erudition as well as knowledge administration (Argote, McEvily, Reagans, 2003). Even though information management might be unstated like the procedure of detain a firm’s facts also with it toward promote modernization from side to side a twisting of managerial education the difference among information management as well as or ganizational erudition be not wholly palpable. furthermore, present is a increasing acknowledgment so as to the two community split like fundamental concept as well as troubles, still although they might at rest exist with to some extent dissimilar verbal communication toward articulate these issue (Easterby-Smith, Crossan, Nicolini, 2000). Organizational learning procedures imply the expansion of insight, information, along with relations among past proceedings, the efficiency of those events, as well as prospect proceedings. Huber explains the organizational knowledge since an alteration inside the assortment of an organization’s prospective behaviors. Therefore, organizational education is the expansion of new-fangled information plus insight so as to have the possible toward pressure an organization’s performance (Schulz, 2001). Critical evaluation of research papers Organizational erudition surrounded by the association allow the gaining, allocation, construal as well as storage space of innovative facts so as to permit the society headed for be aware of along with bowdlerize novel information system while toward their ultimate utilize headed for the association (Harrington Guimaraes, 2005). Information gaining is clear the same as the procedure inside which acquaintance is acquire. Information allocation is the procedure through which information is communal. Information understandings involve attempt in the direction of build up single or else further frequent interpretation of disseminated consciousness. Managerial recollection is distinct as facts that are store on behalf of bring into play. Inside an acquaintance administration circumstance, information knowledge reimbursement is vastly prejudiced through the survival of a suitable environment in the direction of allocate as well as a human direction (Choi Lee, 2003). Within the employees’ promise toward information formation process (Cross Baird, 2000). Accordingly, a development surrounded by which information features significantly be essential. Internal setting therefore at the same time as in the direction of enhance the learning system performance in addition give confidence the formulate make use of of of sure gear be hypothetical to be expectant. In spite of the unforeseen figure of failure of information organization, present be a number of evidence of its optimistic authority taking place organizational presentation. Various experiential effort have be completed ( Choi Lee, 2003; Gold, Malhotra, Segars, 2001; Lee Choi, 2003) except nearby tranquil a be short of empirical confirmation mainly within small business conventionally, information management investigate have been address toward huge businesses. On the other hand, diminutive business is probable toward information producer. Their natural arrangement as well as civilization might promote information innovation. Though, their structural skin plus capital scarcity might obstruct toward get hold of sustainable spirited benefit as of these innovation (Levy, Loebbecke, Powell, 2003). Evaluation and Comparison of research papers The most important complicatedness during attainment a helpful meaning is toward differentiates the penalty of organizational learning as of the knowledge development (Robey, Boudreau, Rose, 2000). Research is on knowledge within organization, which is unstated on the road to acquire rest within organization, during the intellect of a commotion or else a procedure. Organizational learning inside learning because a self-motivated development of acquaintance formation generate on the compassion of the association by means of its persons as well as group, heading for on the cohort as well as expansion of characteristic competencies so as to facilitate the association in the direction of get better its presentation in addition to consequences. The input individuality of this description deserves consideration. Foremost, it is managerial progressions with the intention of strength happen at character, collection as well as managerial level. Following, it is seen since an income on the w ay to expand competencies so as to be appreciated through clientele, be hard toward reproduce, plus for this reason make a payment toward aggressive benefit (Crossan Berdrow, 2003). In conclusion, present is an important association flanked by organizational learning in addition to compact presentation (Tippins Sohi, 2003). 2ND RESEARCH PAPER In view of the dissimilarity among information knowledge as well as information scheme, information expertise be able to exist conceive since the communications toward information administration (Chou, 2003), or else an information podium (Tiwana, 2002). Various author, like Choi as well as Lee (2003) also Gold et al. (2001), by means of a comparable direction information expertise like an enabler of acquaintance organization. The position of information know-how be en route for expand human facility of awareness manufacture from side to side the momentum, reminiscence conservatory furthermore statement amenities of knowledge (Baroni Arau? Jo, 2001). Several of the expertises so as to support the organization of information contain be approximately in favor of an extended instance. An investigation of scientific tackle is able to be establishing inside Tyndale (2002). A difference be completed flanked by information equipment base resting on tackle rented from additional discipline so as to have enter keen on information organization ground, as well as information equipment base lying on utensils to intended as acquaintance organization utensils on or after their inauguration. 3RD RESEARCH PAPER E-business system be definite like some profitable or else information substitute so as to an association make accessible in excess of a system (Moodley, 2003), as well as are commonly base taking place network technology (Amit Zott, 2001). Essentially, e-business is on conduct commerce automatically above the Internet. This might comprise behavior like statement, marketing, also alliance (Plessis Boon, 2004). The enlargements of e-business have showing numerous opportunities (Mehrtens, Cragg, Mills, 2001); inside circumstances of their attitude toward converse also team up by means of associates all along their worth sequence (Offodile Abdel-Malek, 2002) through the web. Such prospect typically engage information scheme for the completion issue (Levy Powell, 2000). C0NCLUSION The association among organizational knowledge also information expertise have been analyze through related stream (Robey et al., 2000). Some researchers have analyzed managerial knowledge like of clearing up with resolve the troubles of implement also with innovative information technology in organization. Taking place, the function of information expertise have be alert scheduled toward sustain the process of managerial erudition (Lin Lee, 2005). REFERENCES: Real., C.J. Leal., L. and Rolda .2006. Information technology as a determinant of organizational learning and technological distinctive competencies, Industrial Marketing Management, 35, pp.505 – 521. Mercader., J.Cerdan., J andSabater-Sa? nchez. 2006. Information technology and learning: Their relationship and impact on organizational performance in small businesses, International Journal of Information Management, 26, pp. 16–29. Navarroa., C.J. and Conesa., D .2007. Implementing e-business through organizational learning: An empirical investigation in SMEs, International Journal of Information Management, 27, pp. 173–186. Santhanam., R and Hartono., E. (2003). Issues in linking information technology capability to firm performance. MIS Quarterly, 27(2), pp.125– 153. McGee., J. E and Peterson., M. (2000). Towards the development of measures of distinctive competencies among small independent retailers. Journal of Small Business Management, 38(2), pp.19– 33. Melville., N. Kraemer, K and Gurbaxani, V. (2004). Information technology and organizational performance: An integrative model of IT business value. MIS Quarterly, 28(2), pp. 283–322. Meso., P and Smith, R. (2000). A resource-based view of organizational knowledge management systems. Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(3), pp.224– 234. Teo., T. S. H and Ranganathan., C. (2003). Leveraging IT resources and, capabilities at the housing and development board. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 12(3), pp. 229– 249. Tippins., M. J and Sohi., R. S. (2003). IT competency and firm performance: Is organizational learning a missing linkStrategic Management Journal, 24(8), pp.745– 761. Ruiz-Mercader., J., Meron? o-Cerdan., A. L and Sabater-Sanchez., R. (2006). Information technology and learning: Their relationship and impact on organizational performance in small businesses. International Journal of Information Management, 26(1), pp.16–29 Schlegelmilch., B. B and Penz., E. (2002). Knowledge management in marketing. Marketing Review, 3, pp. 5–19 Su., C. T., Chen, Y. C and Sha., D. Y. (2006). Linking innovative product development with customer knowledge: A data mining approach. Technovation, 26, pp.784–795. How to cite Literature analysis and assessment in information technology, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Importance of Branding Loyalty For The Products or Services

Question: Describe about The Importance Of Branding In Increasing Customer Loyalty For The Products Or Services. Answer: Introduction The research topic is the importance of branding in increasing customer loyalty for the products or services. The organizations operating across the globe are focusing a lot on their brand image and positioning their products to be perceived as brands. This research allows us to explore the importance of branding for increasing the brand image and in turn, the customer loyalty in the corresponding markets of operation (Rafiq, 2013). Problem statement Does branding in fact increases the customer loyalty for the products and services sold by an organization? Research aim and objectives The major objectives of the research are mentioned below. Define and analyze the term customer loyalty. Understand the purpose of branding in the marketing activities. Determine the effects of branding on the sales of the products and services. Establish and analyze the connection between branding in the marketing activities and the loyalty of the customers towards the products or services sold by an organization. The aim of the research is to identify and analyze the significance of branding in terms of the increase in the customer loyalty. The term customer loyalty can be defined as the preference of the customers in the market of the products or services of the organization over the similar products or services provided by other organizations in the market (Laroche, 2013). The customer loyalty of a brand can be defined in terms of the repeat purchase of the products or services sold by the organization (Sirapracha 2012). The objective of the research is to identify the needs and expectations of the customers in the market to indulge in the repeat purchase of a brand along with the preferences of the customers. The result of the research will provide an overall idea of the significance of branding and the methodology required for increasing the customer loyalty of the organization in the market of operation (Theng, 2013). Methodology This section provides an overall design of the methodologies and strategies to be used to carry out the research. Research paradigm (Mixed research paradigm) The research methodology to be used is a combination of both the qualitative and quantitative research processes. So the research methodology collects the qualitative and quantitative data from the subjects for the sales information from the market (Coelho, 2012). The qualitative and quantitative data collected in the research methodology provides different views of the market demand and the buying behavior of the customers present in the corresponding market (Tariq, 2013). This research methodology provides both the deductive and inductive scientific methods, which allows the known theories to be tested with the data collected from the market and new theories to be created from the data collected in the research process (Nguyen, 2013). Category of research (Exploratory research) This research methodology is exploratory which focuses on the gain of business insights from the market, instead of focusing on the collection of accurate data from the market. The result of this type of research allows the organization to develop its business strategy in terms of resolving the existing issues and providing solutions to improve the existing business processes (Kandampully, 2015). Data collection method (Secondary data from various agencies) The data collection method will focus on the collection of relevant data from the surveys and analysis done Australian Bureau of Statistics, American and European brand loyalty statistics and various journal articles (Zhang, 2014). Sources of data Some of the sources of data used in this research are social networking platforms, consumers of a number of brands, public agencies and stores across the market. The individuals from these sources can be surveyed along with the collection of structured data from various secondary data sources like public records and records from the private agencies (Akbari, 2016). References Akbari, M., Kazemi, R., Haddadi, M. (2016). Relationship marketing and word-of-mouth communications: Examining the mediating role of customer loyalty. Marketing and Branding Research, 3(1), 63. Coelho, P. S., Henseler, J. (2012). Creating customer loyalty through service customization. European Journal of Marketing, 46(3/4), 331-356. Kandampully, J., Zhang, T., Bilgihan, A. (2015). Customer loyalty: a review and future directions with a special focus on the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(3), 379-414. Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), 76-82. Nguyen, N., Leclerc, A., LeBlanc, G. (2013). The mediating role of customer trust on customer loyalty. Journal of service science and management, 6(1), 96. Rafiq, M., Fulford, H., Lu, X. (2013). Building customer loyalty in online retailing: The role of relationship quality. Journal of Marketing Management, 29(3-4), 494-517. Sirapracha, J., Tocquer, G. (2012). Branding and customer experience in the wireless telecommunication industry. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 3(2), 103.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Andy Warhol Essays (3480 words) - Ruthenian Catholics, Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol "I just paint things I always thought were beautiful, things you use every day and never think about... I just do it because I like it. (Beckris 110) I just do it because I like it is Andy's philosophy on life. Andy might just be the most interesting and and at the same time the most confusing individual you will ever read about. Andy's work is like none others. His art brought common day people together and showed the impact of contemporary society and the idea of mass media on values. Andy's father Ondrej Wharhola is best described as a bald, burly man with a bulging belly and massive upper arms, pudgy nose and bristling sideburns. Ondrej was born in 1889 in Minkova. (Bekris, 6) He was married and living with Julia Warhola, mother of Andy, for three years in Mikova. In order to avoid being drafted into the Balkan conflict in 1912 he immigrated to Pittsburgh without her at the age of seventeen to work in a coal field in the industrial district of Philadelphia. (Bekris, 7) Julia Warhola was born in a small village in the Capathian mountains outside of Czechoslovakia. Julia was the oldest and prettiest of her fifteen other siblings. She was also said to be the artistic one of the bunch. (Bekris, 7) In 1914 Julia gave birth to a baby girl. Because of the conditions due to the war the infant contracted influenza six months later and died. Julia's mother was so depressed about the news of the infants death that she died one month later. (Bekris, 8-9) Julia was now reliable for her only two surviving sisters of ages six and nine. For the next four years Julia fled from the soldiers, hiding in woods and barns. She was supposed to be receiving money from Ondrej but because she was always on the run she never saw the money. From 1918-1921 she raised 160 dollars to go to the united states to find Ondrej. (Bekris, 9) Andy Warhol was born on September 28, 1930 in Forest City, Pennsylvania. Or so we think. This is what the original birth certificate read but Andy wanted people to believe he was born in Mc Keesport, or even Hawaii. He also stays true to believe the certificate is a forgery. Most books and other reportable sources confirm that he was indeed born in 1930 but the dates do range from 1925-1931 (Bekris, 10). Andy was raised in a coal mining town in Philadelphia. It was a dark musty town were the sky stayed black. The town was overrun with poverty and crime. (Bekris, 10) Being raised in an environment as such would greatly affect a person's personality in their later years. This might explain Andy's later fascination with death related topics. In 1930 Andy's father got a steady job laying roads and moving houses. This was a high paying job at the time because of the mass rate of growth in the cities. Ondrej saved his money and one-year later moved his family into a larger house on Beelan Street. Shortly after moving into the house Ondrej lost his job and was forced to move into a two-bedroom apartment. The rent was six dollars a week and Andy's father had to work odd jobs to just barley pay the rent. It was not just Andy and his parents. Andy had two other brothers, one older and one younger. All three of the children were said to be afraid of their father. "Dad didn't like us to start commotion because he was so exhausted and he would get emotionally upset. Usually all he had to do was look at you." (Beckris 12) Andy always had a problem with grammar school. He was not a social child and preferred to keep to himself. As most children do, they saw this in Andy and picked on him frequently. (Bekris, 18) Andy's brother Paul stated, "At age four Andy cried a lot at school and one day a little black girl slapped him" (Beckris 15) He was very traumatized by this incident and asked his mother if she could keep him home from school. As the loving mother she was, she took Andy out of school and kept him home for two years. Over this time he became very close to his mother. When it was time for him to return to school he threw a temper tantrum. It took his mother, brother and neighbor to drag Andy back to school. Because of

Sunday, November 24, 2019

To Kill or Not to Kill essays

To Kill or Not to Kill essays To kill or not to kill. This is an extremely controversial question in todays society. The number of people who are for it still believe in the saying, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. These are the people who feel if you intentionally take the life of someone else, then yours should be taken as well. But then there are the other number of people who feel the death penalty should be banned because of its cruel and unjust way of punishment. Should we keep it or not? And if it is kept, how do we determine who should be sentenced to death? An easy way to answer these questions is to totally nullify capital punishment completely. One reason why the death penalty is so controversial is because many feel its cruel ways of punishment are unnecessary, even if the crime is murder, whether it be premeditated or unintentional. They believe there are other ways of condemnation besides execution. In the case of an unintentional death feelings are that the perpetrators should have the right to live, but have to face each day with the fact that they killed someone weighing on their conscience. On the other hand, such as with a voluntary murder, the ideas are somewhat similar. They believe the murderer doesnt deserve the death penalty. Chances are if a person is insane enough to kill another human being in the first place, they arent going to care what happens to them. They realize that their execution, in most cases, is going to be short and painless. This isnt a just punishment for someone who has inflicted severe pain upon another life. Our court system, after initiating a life sentence without parole, should not offer these killers the comforts they have in jail. They should be treated more or less like animals. In short, let the ones who institute a crime unwillingly live, but do not let the punishment be as severe as it would for a ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Government agencies tend to define performance in terms of economy, Assignment

Government agencies tend to define performance in terms of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. What do you understand by thes - Assignment Example The public also fails to appreciate the government for its services and think that it should do more. However, the government performs its major role of providing an enabling environment where this private sector is able to do its activities. The problem is, therefore, the negative public perception towards the government not lack of efficiency, effectiveness or being economic. Introduction A government is a group of people who are chosen by citizens, of a particular, to run various activities on their behalf. The running of the country’s affairs by the people they have elected, requires various resources. The resources needed to run a government are financial resources, human resources, and natural resources. These resources especially the financial resources are not always in good supply. With the current state of uncertainty in resources available to a government, they have to make maximum use of any resource that they have at a certain time. Most governments finance their operations through collecting taxes and then using the money on the basis of how well the money can bring benefits to the people. To know how well the money from tax is utilized, the issue of comparing how well a government and private sector uses a certain amount of money, is the starting point. Discussion A government has its set goals to ensure that it utilizes its resources well. Efficiency is said to be achieved when a government uses a given amount of resources and gets as much benefits as possible from the use of that resource. Efficiency is measured by gauging how great the results or the outputs obtained exceeds cost consumed or resources utilized. Efficiency is a word used to mean how close or far a government or a private organization is, so that it can achieve what it had planned to get or how well they have solved a problem. The two words, efficiency and effectiveness, therefore, are different. Efficiency is measured without paying attention to cost. In efficiency the g overnment tries as much as possible to do an activity well, but in effectiveness the government does the right activity for the citizens. Efficiency, most of the time is associated with the private sector. The private sector are organizations or private people who are investing their resources, with the hope of getting more than what they invested. In this sense, therefore, the private sector is said to be more efficient because they can show how well they have done their activities. For example, since the main focus of private sector is to make big profits, many private companies report to the public how much money they have earned as profit (Starks 22). When people realize that a certain company has made huge profits, they tend to criticize the government for lack of efficiency. The public feels that the government should be able to do many activities using the money it collect from them through taxation. The private sector at times also criticize the government for lack of effici ency. The public also blames the government and demands that it should embrace ways used by the private, but forgets two important issues. The first issue is that the private sector would wish to be given control over the areas that they complain the government is not efficient. (Granof 43). The private sector complains deliberately so that the public would supports them in forcing the government, to give