Thursday, February 27, 2020

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework - Assignment Example The article is an epitome of how theoretical framework supports conceptual framework when conducting a qualitative research. The author uses conceptual framework to explore and exhibit the correlation between variables in his study. This is particularly evident in his ethnographic approach in conducting the qualitative analysis. The author’s choice for conceptual framework for the study was particularly appropriate because it provides the means to explore specific relationship between study variables. The conceptual framework enables the author of the article to develop a crucial concept that allows him to incorporate essentials fields in his study. Employee involvement is one of the major success or failure determinants in any organization, public or private (Berman et al., 2009).The success of public offices revolves around the empowerment of employees and how well this power is oriented towards attaining the goals and objectives of the organization. Employee involvement ref ers to the process of authorizing employees to participate actively in the decision-making process of the organization and improving organizational processes within their scope (Bolden, Gosling, Marturano & Dennison, 2003). Employee involvement greatly influence hiring and promotion process in Public Agencies by ensuring that the agencies only employ people who are fit to hold vacant position. Employees can be used as referrals during recruitment

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Management - Essay Example TQM is a whole process which cannot be made in vacuum. It requires precise techniques and methods such as bench marking and knowledge management along with the control system. This research paper aims at studying and identifying internal control system within Toyota as well as interpreting the criteria for developing and evaluating the control system and its impact on the total quality management. Thesis statement: Internal control and total quality management should not be limited to minimizing cost, improving quality and increasing return on investment but should also emphasize on improving human capital. An Infrastructure for Quality Assurance Total quality function and internal control work side by side for organizational success. Quality assurance provides the basic infrastructure for measuring and reporting quality. Quality assurance program begins with the policy statement by the board which recognizes the need of total quality while minimizing cost. It includes designing of r igorous quality control procedures and development of quality control standards. Internal control serves as the vector of information on quality. Successful companies not only realize the importance of existence of quality assurance methods but also try to do better than the industry average. The impact of good management is usually gauged in the three dimensional framework which consist of high quality, low cost and steadily improved return on investment. In the wake of globalization and accelerating pace of change many organizations now also include quality human capital as the fourth dimension, quality in selecting, hiring, training and evaluating promotion of human capital. Overall quality cannot be achieved without motivating and developing human capital. Motivated employees are not only willing to undertake challenging tasks but it also improves their perception of self worth. Hence the new concept of quality is not just limited to product quality but total quality in every de partment and process of the company. Every employee should work for the total quality management. It is a virtuous cycle which begins with product quality, cost minimization, fast time to market, business reputation, high performance work environment and eventually leads to improved job performance and personal satisfaction of the employees. Internal control measures job performance and report it to the senior management (Chorafas, 2001). Internal Control System Internal control is the vector of information that provides information to the senior management for decision making. Internal control plays a fundamental role in any business and should be used in integration with strategic control and management control for its maximum benefit. Internal control is based upon gathering information so it has various inputs from different departments and processes of the organizations. It receives information from customers, workers, suppliers and information about other events and condition. This transaction of information is bilateral or two way. Internal control then passes on this information to the higher management who makes plans, authorizations and takes decisions accordingly. Internal controls also provide feedback or follow up of those plans, procedures and decisions. Managements’ ability to fulfill their responsibility and adequate decision